tools Embedding Line Chart with HighCharts I made a thing for my other blog to show the GPS track of my flights. Part of this is showing the altitude and speed profiles: I thought I'd write down how I
25 Minutes of Rust 25 Minutes of Rust (Episode 4) In this episode I aim to learn some Rust concepts beyond Hello World, using the book "The Rust Programming Language" as a guide.
25 Minutes of Rust 25 Minutes of Rust (Episode 3) In this third episode I explore the possibilities of the Rust (rls) Visual Studio Code extension.
tools Screen Recording with OBS Studio Every year I end up looking for easy to use screen recording software. Today I found out about OBS Studio.
25 Minutes of Rust 25 Minutes of Rust (Episode 2) In this episode I investigate an error with the build environment (cargo run) of my new Rust installation (missing link.exe). I'm doing a series of 25 minute sessions where I try to
25 Minutes of Rust 25 Minutes of Rust (Episode 1) I'm doing a series of 25 minute sessions where I try to get familiar with the Rust programming language. This session I try to set up a Rust development environment on my Windows 10 machine.
nederlands Huishoudboekje met GnuCash Sommige mensen houden hun financiën bij in een "huishoudboekje". Hierin hou je in- en uitgaven bij. Je kan dit met Excel doen, of met één van de online diensten. Ikzelf heb
tools Replacing CrashPlan for Backups I have some files on my computer that I do not want to loose. The most important ones are - of course - pictures of loved ones. But also some other things I
english Record Screen to GIF I needed a quick way to capture my screen and save it to a gif file. Found Screen to Gif is easy to use. If you have chocolatey installed it's easy to install
english Ways to open the Command Prompt (Windows 10) I was just watching a course on pluralsight (The .NET Ecosystem: The Big Picture, by Barry Luijbregts) and saw - totally unrelated to the course - a way to open a command prompt
cloud Sync KeePass with Azure Yes, that sounds like a bad idea for some reason. But when using KeePass, I would like to get my container on several machines without having to drag a USB-stick around. So the
tools Debugger Tools: Fiddler Web Debugging Proxy Er zijn zo "tools" dat je in het dagelijkse leven (als software ontwikkelaar / beheerder) altijd beschikbaar MOET hebben. Ze brengen zo vaak net dat cruciale stukje informatie naar boven om een